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Creating a Coordinated Retirement Plan Through Virtual Family Offices

Planning for retirement means thinking about taxes, retirement income, estate planning and the lifestyle during retirement. What will that retirement look like if the pieces donโ€™t fit together?

In this episode, Ken New explores what a family office is and how he works to provide the same level of care and planning through a virtual interface. Ken shares why he built his virtual family office and the importance of building communication between the different advisors working on a single plan.

Ken discusses:

  • The nature and advantages of family offices for their clients
  • The cost-efficient benefits of virtual family offices, which offer the same quality of service
  • The advantages of working with a family office as opposed to a single advisor when planning for retirement
  • The crucial role of lifestyle management in their retirement planning
  • And more

Other ways to listen

A virtual family office model provides multiple experts who specialize in various areas of financial planning.

Ken NewPinnacle Financial Wealth Management


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The Pinnacle teamโ€™s primary objective is to provide holistic financial strategies. Our ultimate vision is to educate clients about their own personal financial challenges and potential solutions regarding complex financial issues.

Would you rather have a financial plan focused on one problem or a coordinated plan between multiple experts?

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